Choosing a sign-in model for Office 365

Paul Andrew, the technical product manager for Office 365 Identity Management, has blogged about the different identity models you can choose with Office 365. Learn how to move between them and choose the right one for your needs.

Read everything here

Docear – An academic literature suite for searching, organizing and creating academic literature

Are you working on a thesis? Are you a researcher managing a lot of reference material for a paper? Docear can solve most of your problems in searching, organizing and creating academic literature. Docear was created by German developers to address these issues first through SciPlore mind mapping software and now through their latest software suite. Give it a try:

I like the name of the product/company:

The term ‘Docear’ has two meanings. First, Docear is an allusion to “dog-ear”, the folded down corner of a paper page.  Second, “docear” in Latin means “I may be taught”.

Free textbooks for everybody: piracy or disruption?

Is copying Wikipedia articles and assembling a textbook legal? If you sell it, there are issues. But what happens, if you just give it away? Boundless has created a system (with real people behind it) that creates textbooks for specific subjects with content collected from Wikipedia and other free online sources. It then provides you with an almost perfect textbook with the best price in the world: $0.00!

Educational publishers like Pearson and Cengage have already started the fight but venture capitalists are funding Boundless because they see a disruptive trend. A huge discruption actually when you consider that some of these books cost a couple of hundred dollars. A $6 billion industry in the United States alone…

Publishers today operate using what Mark Perry, a professor at the University of Michigan, calls a “cartel-style” model: students are required to buy specific texts at high prices. Perry has calculated that prices for textbooks have been rising at three times the rate of inflation since the 1980s.

Read the full article at MIT Technology Review: Free Textbooks Spell Disruption for College Publishers